This past Saturday Ben and I went with my cousins Sara, Jake and his family to Sea World in San Diego. We had planned on going in February the weekend of Jake's birthday but things came up and we had to rearrange the plans. Good thing too because that weekend in February was a cold and rainy one! I've only been to Sea World once in my life and that was when I was 9 or 10 I think. My parents took us kids, well Jedidiah, Meredith and I down to Sea World in San Antonio (Naomi was still really little so she stayed @ Granny & Grandpa's) Ben on the other hand has been to every Sea World except the one in San Diego, so we were both super excited! Saturday was a pretty nice day to go, not to cool and not really hot! We had lots of fun and got to see some really cool animals! Here are a few pictures of what we saw:
Sea World Sign!

Sea Lion taking a nap

Dolphin Show

Polar Bear snoozing


Ben touching a Star Fish

Mary (Jake and Molly's little girl) Isn't she super cute?!?

We had a great day and were SUPER tired by the end but had lots of fun!